Indian Creek Newsletters



February, 2005

on the web at



Towanda Elementary School Events


Feb. 12:  Scouts Pancake and Sausage breakfast, 8:00am – 3:00pm


Feb. 17:  PTO Chili Supper, 5:00pm – 7:30PM, includes basket raffle



Annual Indian Creek Association Meeting


The annual Indian Creek Homeowners’ Association meeting will be 7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at the Towanda Community Building.


Items for discussion will include:

·         Luminaries:  Another bad luck year.  This will no longer be an association organized activity.

·         Possible Spring grounds project:  Re-rock the road to the well-head.  Other ideas from those who attend the Associate Meeting.

·         Status of a possible drainage project.

·         Status of a survey project seeking a potential site for a storage building.

·         Interest in getting a dumpster for a neighborhood Spring cleaning day.

·         Remind people to let Tim Mogill know the location of their water shut-off if they know it.

·         Discuss whether the association should look into purchasing a chipper/shredder.



Towanda Lions Club -    Ham & Bean Supper


Friday, March 11, 2005

Towanda Community Building

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Ø      Ham & Beans

Ø      Corn Bread

Ø      Condiments

Ø      Dessert - Pie/Cake

Ø      Hot Dogs & Chips (for Kids)


Cost:   $4:00 per person - over 12

$3:00 per person - 12 & under


Contact a Towanda Lions Club member today for tickets.

In the Indian Creek area, you can contact

Louie Blank @ 728-2662, Mike Orrick @ 728-2128, or Bob Hancock @ 728-2990.

Tickets are also available at the door.


Towanda Area Spring Rummage Sale


Thursday evening, March 31 through Saturday, April 2nd

To be listed on the flier, contact Gail Briggs at 728-2187 or email


The Towanda District Library will hold their rummage sale at the Towanda Community Building.  To donate, drop off un-priced items at the library the week before the sale or take it to the community building on March 31 around 6pm.



Peace Meal Volunteers Needed


The Towanda area Peace Meal program delivers meals to qualified residents.  It is for those who are over 60 and home bound or with medical problems or for those of any age who are disabled. There is no set price for Peace Meals, although there is a suggested contribution of $2.75 per meal.  Clients may choose to pay more or less than this amount, depending on their situation. Volunteers deliver meals on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays by going to Lexington to pick up the prepared meals and then delivering them to the recipients.


The Towanda City Clerk is looking for Peace Meal volunteers to pick up and deliver meals one or more days per month.  Call Sharon at 728-2811 between 8:00am and noon or send email to to volunteer or for more information on how to become a Peace Meal recipient.



Towanda Area Historical Society


The Towanda Area Historical Society is planning to compile the history of the Towanda area.  An existing history book, entitled Towanda: McLean County, Illinois, 1826-1976, is available at the Towanda District Library.  The new book will not replace the old history but will include topics from all times, not just after 1976, and may update and/or expand topics from the original book.  The scope of the book will be the town of Towanda and surrounding areas, including farms, Lamplighter subdivision, Indian Creek subdivision and Merna.


The goal is to have all information collected and in written form ready by January, 2006, with an additional six months to fine-tune, edit, finalize and compile the book, in order to have the book printed and ready for distribution at the 4th of July, 2006, town celebrations.


Donations are being sought to fund the book. Donations should be written to the “Towanda Area History Fund” and can be sent to PO Box 217, Towanda, IL 61776).  Names of donors will be listed in the book.


They also need photos, events, dates, memories, and help with editting, writing, organizing, typing, and production.   Anyone interested in participating in this project can contact Jack Jenkins at or attend the next historical society meeting on Wednesday, April 20th at 7:00pm at the library.   If you’d like to receive minutes of the meetings, email Mary Williams at




Library News


301 S Taylor St                                          309-728-2176

Towanda, IL 61776                           



Computer instructions:

During the month of February,  the Towanda District Library will provide personal instruction for  beginning computer users, including instructions on the basics of the Internet, e-mailing or Microsoft Word (word processing).  Call Mary Williams at the library to set up two one-hour instruction sessions.


Wanted: Used Books for County Jail Library

The Towanda  library will collect used books during the month of February for the McLean County Jail library, which is in dire need of popular reading materials.  Please drop off your donations at the library during their open hours (hours are listed at the library web site) and specify that they are for this program.  According to the library director at the jail, popular fiction (published after 1985, please), current non-fiction titles and magazines are needed.


Book donations are also welcome at any time for the library’s own ongoing used book sale (no magazines or textbooks, please) and for the sale held by the Friends of the Towanda District Library in the park during the annual July 4 Flea Market.


Story Time for Children:

The mid-winter Story hour session for 3-5 year olds will continue through March 10.  It is not too late to register your child for this 30 minute story & craft program with Mrs. Porter, story time veteran.  Or you can sign up for the March 31-May 19 session.  Story time takes place from 11:00-11:30 on Wednesday mornings.





Residents at Work


Marta Mason, Shannon Fulton, Wendy Wilson, Owners.

9159 N. 1900 East Road, Bloomington, Illinois, 61704

(309) 378-2617


Indian Creek resident, Marta Mason, is one of the owners of Three Petunias floral business.   Three Petunias offers custom arrangements for weddings, funerals, and other events, plants, containers, and delivery.  They grow most of the flowers they sell, flowers that few florists will stock because they are unique, perishable, and labor intensive.  Go to for directions to the shop or call 378-2617.


You can also find Marta and her flowers at the Saturday morning Farmer’s market in down town Bloomington during the summer months.



Towanda Senior Group


The Towanda area Seniors group meets monthly, the second Wednesday of each month, at 12:00 at the Towanda community center.  The meeting consists of a pot luck luncheon, conversation and sometimes a special program.  The next meeting is February 9.  Bring a dish to share; meat and drinks will be provided.  Donations are accepted, but not required.  Questions? Call Dave (Bud) McDaniels, 728-2175







It was indeed a bad luck year again this year for the pseudo-annual Indian Creek luminary display.  December 12 turned out to be an extremely cold and windy night.  Only a few brave souls ventured out to light their luminaria.  Somehow the candles stayed lit long enough for this photo by Jim Russell.



Kids at Work


Katie Jurovic, 728-2243:  baby sitting

Stephen Jurovic, 728-2243:  pet care, lawn care, snow shoveling

Travis and Gregory Mason, 728-8008:  pet care and dog walking

Ryan Doubet (15), 728-2463: babysitting, lawn care, snow shoveling

Adam Doubet (12), 728-2463: snow shoveling

Bayli Doubet (11), 728-2463: pet care




Email:  If you are interested in receiving email announcements of upcoming subdivision events or other announcements of interest to residents, send your email address to the secretary of the Indian Creek Home Owners Association, Faith Russell, at


New at the subdivision web page:

Ø      Street Scenes:  Photos from along the streets of the subdivision (with some new contributions by Jim Ferrier and Jim Russell)

Ø      Subdivision Covenants

Ø      New Nature Trail photos


If you have scenery, garden, wild animal or pet photos that you are willing to share, email them to me, Helen Mogill,, or bring them by to me at 18 Bent Tree Lane.  I can scan and return your photos.  My phone is 728-2048.


Newsletter:  If you have events or announcements you’d like to see in here, please contact me, Helen Mogill,, 728-2048.  Kids – contact me if you’d like me to include your name, phone, and a list of odd jobs that you are willing to do – babysitting, pet care, lawn mowing, etc. Adults, let us know about your business.






This web site last updated Sunday, June 04, 2006 by Helen Mogill