Indian Creek Bylaws

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Indian Creek Homeowners and Water Association Bylaws


Indian Creek Bylaws

Adopted March 15,1990; Revised June 29, 2021


Purpose of the Association:

1.     Ensure proper maintenance of the water system and the quality of water delivered to the homeowners.

2.     To efficiently manage and account for the collection of annual assessments and water bills, payments to all vendors and investment/bank accounts.

3.     To preserve the natural woodlands and wildlife, and make the common areas accessible to all Association members for recreation.

 Association Membership and Voting:

1.     Owners of all lots, improved or unimproved, are members upon transfer of title.

2.     Each homeowner may have one vote, in accordance with Covenant provisions.

3.     Ten members will constitute a quorum.

4.     An annual meeting will be held each year for the election of new officers and to present the Association's current financial status.

5.     Board meetings will be held quarterly, or as needed. All interested members are invited to attend.


1.     Officers will serve three year terms, elected on staggered years so as to elect no more than two in any given year.

2.     As only homeowners may vote, board members must be homeowners. If board member moves from the subdivision, they must give up their post.

3.     In cases of vacancies, the remaining board will appoint a replacement to fill out the unexpired term.

4.     Board members may succeed themselves if they wish to continue to serve and are successfully re-elected.

5.     An existing board member may seek a different office if he wishes. If that member is elected to the new post, the board will appoint another homeowner to fill the vacancy created.

Duties of the officers:

Board President

·       Represent Indian Creek to various outside groups, i.e., state, county, township, developers, and future homeowners and their builders. Organize and conduct quarterly board and Association meetings.

·       Be accountable to all members for the board's activities, decisions, and expenditures.

·       Coordinate activities of other board members.


Vice President/Secretary

·       Maintain minutes of all board meetings.

·       Distribute meeting minutes and other necessary information to all Association members.

·       Organize development social events as needed.

·       Conduct board and annual meetings in the absence of the president.

Water Chairman

·       Have a good working knowledge of the entire water system, including tap-ons and delivery capacity.


·       Have a good working knowledge of applicable EPA and clean water regulations, and cooperate with necessary federal, state, and local water organizations.

·       Work closely with ICHWA’s licensed water operator and engineering firm to ensure continued proper and safe water system operation and compliance with EPA and other governmental regulations.


·       Coordinate an inspection of the water tower by ICHWA’s engineering firm at least every five years.  This is a requirement from an EPA audit performed in 2019/2020.

·       Investigate homeowner water problems in a timely manner. 

Homeowner Chairman (Grounds Chairman)

·       Be responsible for coordinating the maintenance and development of the 50 acres of common area.

·       Review new home plans to ensure they meet the Covenants and county code minimums.

·       Have a good working knowledge of local, county, and state regulations pertaining to rural subdivisions’ building and septic permits, setbacks, ditch requirements, road maintenance, mail delivery, police and fire protection, etc.


·       Preparation and mailing of quarterly homeowner water and annual assessment billings.

·       Payment of all approved invoices in a timely manner.

·       Maintenance of all accounts payable records and homeowner receipts documentation.

·       Assist and provide records for the completion of an annual audit.

·       Preparation and submission of all tax forms necessary.

·       Preparation of a complete annual summary of expenses and income for presentation at each annual meeting.



·       A Tap-on fee will be assessed the owner(s) of each new home in the amount of $250.  Monthly water and homeowner fees will commence during the first month of occupancy.

·       A yearly homeowners fee of $40 will be charged owners of unimproved lots.


·       Annual assessments and water bills may be adjusted by the board as necessary, with at least a 30 day notification to all homeowners in compliance with the Covenants.


·       Collected funds will be used for maintenance, repair, and improvements to the water system and common areas, and other expenses as needed in accordance with Covenants provisions.

·       Special assessments or major expenditures issues will be presented to the Association for majority vote, in accordance with Covenant provisions.

·       Any unpaid balance of 90 days will be subject to 9% interest penalty and a lien may be filed against the property if necessary.

Water system:


·       Our water system meets the minimum codes as established by the State of Illinois.

·       The water system is to be maintained by a licensed water operator, with regular inspection by the state EPA according to their regulations.

·       Damage to the water mains during construction or leaks detected after the tap-on is completed, must be repaired at the homeowner's expense.

Bylaws will be in force when ratified by a majority of members present at the annual meeting. Amendments to the bylaws may be introduced and voted on only during annual meetings or special sessions that may be called for such purposes.

Adopted March 15,1990

   Purpose of the Association:

  1. Insure proper maintenance of the water system and the quality of water delivered to the homeowners.

  2. To efficiently manage and account for the collection of homeowner fees and the payments to all vendors.

  3. To preserve the natural woodlands and wildlife, and make the common areas accessible to all Association members for recreation.

  Association Membership and Voting:

  1. Owners of all lots, improved or unimproved, are members upon transfer of title.

  2. Each homeowner may have one vote.

  3. Ten members will constitute a quorum.

  4.  An annual meeting will be held each March for the election of new officers and to present the Association's current financial status.

  5.  Board meetings will be held quarterly. All interested members are invited to attend/


  1. Officers will serve three year terms, elected on staggered years so as to elect no more than two in any given year.

  2.  As only homeowners may vote, board members must be homeowners. If board member moves from the subdivision, they must give up their post.

  3.  In cases of vacancies, the remaining board will appoint a replacement to fill out the unexpired term.

  4.  Board members may succeed themselves if they wish to continue to serve and are successfully re-elected.

  5.  An existing board member may seek a different office if he wishes. If that member is elected to the new post, the board will appoint another homeowner to fill the vacancy created.

   Duties of the officers:

     Board President:

  • Represent Indian Creek to various outside groups, ie, state, county, township, developers, and future homeowners and their builders. Organize and conduct quarterly board and Association meetings.

  •  Be accountable to all members for the board's activities, decisions, and expenditures.

  • Coordinate activities of other board members

     Vice President/Secretary

  •  Maintain minutes of all board meetings.

  • Distribute meeting minutes and other necessary information to all Association members.

  •  Organize development social events as needed.

  •  Conduct board and annual meetings in the absence of the president.

     Water Chairman

  •  Have a good working knowledge of the entire water system, including tap-ons and delivery capacity.

  •  Have a good working knowledge of applicable EPA and clean water regulations, and cooperate with necessary federal, state, and local water organizations.

  • Work closely with contracted maintenance vendor to insure continued proper and safe system operation.

  • Investigate homeowner water problems in a timely manner.

     Homeowner Chairman (Grounds Chairman):

  • Be responsible for coordinating the maintenance and development of the 50 acres of common area.

  • Review new home plans to insure they meet the code minimums.

  • Have a good working knowledge of local, county, and state regulations pertaining to rural subdivisions building and septic permits, set backs, ditch requirements, road maintenance, mail delivery, police and fire protection, etc.


  •  Prepare and mail quarterly homeowner water billings and annual lot owner Association billings.

  •  Pay all approved invoices in a timely manner.

  •  Maintain records of all accounts payable and homeowner receipts.

  •  Submit records for, and assist in, an annual audit.

  •  Prepare and submit all tax forms necessary.

  •  Prepare a complete annual summary of expenses and income for presentation at each annual meeting.


  • A Tap-on fee will be assessed the owner(s) of each new home in the amount of $250. 2. Monthly water and homeowner fees will commence during the first month of occupancy.

  • A yearly homeowners fee of $40 will be charged owners of unimproved lots.

  • Monthly charges may be adjusted by the board as necessary, with at least a 30 day notification to all homeowners.

  • Collected funds will be used for typical maintenance, repair, and improvements to the water system and common areas, and other expenses as needed.

  • Special assessments or major expenditures issues will be presented to the Association for majority vote.

  • Any unpaid balance of 90 days will be subject to 11/2% interest penalty per month and a lien may be filed against the property if necessary.

   Water system:

  • It has been certified that our present water system meets the minimum codes as established by the State of Illinois.

  • The system is to be maintained by a licensed contractor, with regular inspection by the state EPA.

  • Damage to the water mains during construction or leaks detected after the tap-on is completed, must be repaired at the homeowner's expense.

Bylaws will be in force when ratified by a majority of members present at the annual meeting. Amendments to the bylaws may be introduced and voted on only during annual meetings or special sessions that may be called for such purposes.




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